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Air Duct Replacement Encino
800-778-3765 | CSLB # 1050995 theatticspecialist@gmail.com

The U.S. Environmental Agency has listed poor indoor air quality as America’s fourth largest environmental threat. Poor indoor air quality generally stems from a poorly functioning HVAC system. The most common cause is dirty air ducts. Air ducts should be cleaned every  2 year , although there are other factors that may push the air duct cleaning timetable forward. Pets, Cigarette/Cigar Smoke, Home Renovation, or Occupants with Allergies or Asthma may lead you to cleaning your air ducts more frequently.

How do you know when you need Air Duct cleaning?

It’s simple. With a flashlight observe the condition of the duct work. If it contains any signs of visible dust or debris, your air ducts need to be cleaned.

Air Duct Cleaning is more complicated than it may seem. Your air ducts are only part of the overall Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System. There are quite a few components that make up the system, but rest assured that The Attic Specialist will know just what to do.  The U.S. Environmental Agency has listed poor indoor air quality as America’s fourth largest environmental threat. Poor indoor air quality generally stems from a poorly functioning HVAC system. The most common cause is dirty air ducts. Air ducts should be cleaned every 3 to 5 years, although there are other factors that may push the air duct cleaning timetable forward. Pets, Cigarette/Cigar Smoke, Home Renovation, or Occupants with Allergies or Asthma may lead you to cleaning your air ducts more frequently.


 – Air Duct Replacement

The main reason some homeowners decide to go with air duct replacement is due to leaks in the air ducts. Leaks cause the HVAC unit to work overtime, leading to potential issues with the system.

“What causes leaks in air ducts?”

As an air duct system ages, adhesives dry and sealants erode. It’s just typical wear and tear.

Our technicians are professionals and are able to deal with any and all facets of your HVAC system. Whether it be a standard air duct cleaning, or an entire air duct replacement, The Attic Specialist is prepared to offer you competitive pricing, and superior customer service.