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Home Services To Protect Your Immune System – The Attic Specialist Inc
800-778-3765 | CSLB # 1050995 theatticspecialist@gmail.com

We are all compelled to take action in the fight against COVID-19, or the Coronavirus.

All of us want what’s best for our families and loved ones after all!

We’ve been advised to wash our hands, clean and disinfect commonly-touched surfaces and observe proper hygiene, but what about our house?

It’s where we spend most of our time, and it deserves to be cleaned on a regular basis. To be prepared against the outbreak you will need to keep possible infection to at the very minimum.

Aside from taking vitamins, eating healthy foods and getting a good night’s sleep, there are a few more ways on how we can strengthen our immune system. Take a look at these 3 home cleaning services that make your immune system work better against the Coronavirus.

1. Crawlspace Cleaning & Sanitation

When was the last time you had your crawl space cleaned?

If the answer is ‘I can’t remember’, then it’s high time to call in a professional for help.

The crawlspace is an oft-overlooked part of the house whenever we do our spring cleaning. But when left unchecked it can ultimately affect your home’s air quality.

You will need to look out for moisture-related concerns such as mildew and mold growth, as well as rodents and other similar pests. What’s worrying is the fact that natural air pressure will force the air from the bottom up, which means the air from your crawlspace makes its way throughout the house. This can lower you and your family member’s immune system and cause innumerable health problems.

Comprehensive crawlspace cleaning will clear out allergens, viruses, germs and more in an efficient manner. After a thorough sanitizing, your home’s air quality is sure to improve and your immune system won’t be affected.

2. Attic Cleaning and Sanitation

The attic is an integral part of your home, and as such it mustn’t be overlooked when scheduling a professional cleaning. You will want all parts of your house clear of viruses and germs so it’s conducive for good health.

Experts say that the air in your attic dictates air quality throughout your indoor property. If left alone, dust and dirt will accumulate, which in turn invites rodents and other creatures to live there. Soon, the waste from these pests will accumulate, and your attic’s air will be contaminated.

But it doesn’t stop there- the air will travel down recessed lighting, vents and air ducts into living spaces such as bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms. Air quality will be compromised and your immune system takes a hit.

To eliminate the chances of getting infected with Coronavirus, it’s best to have an attic cleaning and sanitation service done immediately. It has added benefits such as improved air quality, reduced allergens, toxins and contaminants and a healthier home.

The Attic Specialist can do an excellent job of cleaning your attic when you don’t have the time to do it. We arrive on time to provide high quality cleaning services to our esteemed clients. We’ll make sure your attic will be free of insects, rodents and other pests, and that air quality will be improved not just in the attic but all throughout your house.

3. Whole House Fan Installation

You can install a whole house fan to allow for greater ventilation inside your property.

The way it works is that the fan pulls in fresh, clean air from outside, replacing the stale air inside your house. Along the way, pollutants such as germs, odors, viruses and other harmful contaminants are expelled.

Health experts always recommend homeowners to regularly ventilate to improve air quality and to keep harmful organisms from making them sick. Fresh air is always good for your immune system, and a whole house fan automates the task if you’re too busy to open your windows.

A whole house fan can also decrease your energy costs by as much as 90% by lowering air-conditioner loads.

Call The Attic Specialist For The Best Attic Cleaning Service

The state of your attic can mean the difference between a healthy home and a polluted one. Air quality means you and your family members will be able to breathe without harmful contaminants, bacteria, germs and viruses entering their bodies and compromising the immune system.

Insulation can help you sleep at night and give you peace of mind knowing the energy you use is efficient and the air can’t be easily contaminated.

Trust only qualified professionals to clean your house and disinfect it to remove the Coronavirus, germs and other bacteria. Don’t just pick any company you see- they, especially the employees must be able to observe and implement precautionary measures against the corona virus.

The Attic Specialist has always been thorough in following regulatory standards. We are fully compliant with CDC’s recommendations regarding the COVID-19, checking the temperature of our workers when they come in to work and at the end of the day. What’s more, we disinfect using EPA and CDC-approved solutions that’s been proven to kill bacteria and viruses on contact.

It’s in our best interests to serve our customers and keep our employees safe amidst the corona virus outbreak. We always wear protective gear the moment we enter the premises until the work is completed.

3. Whole House Fan Installation

The attic is an integral part of your home, and as such it mustn’t be overlooked when scheduling a professional cleaning. You will want all parts of your house clear of viruses and germs so it’s conducive for good health.

Experts say that the air in your attic dictates air quality throughout your indoor property. If left alone, dust and dirt will accumulate, which in turn invites rodents and other creatures to live there. Soon, the waste from these pests will accumulate, and your attic’s air will be contaminated.

But it doesn’t stop there- the air will travel down recessed lighting, vents and air ducts into living spaces such as bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms. Air quality will be compromised and your immune system takes a hit.

To eliminate the chances of getting infected with Coronavirus, it’s best to have an attic cleaning and sanitation service done immediately. It has added benefits such as improved air quality, reduced allergens, toxins and contaminants and a healthier home.

The Attic Specialist can do an excellent job of cleaning your attic when you don’t have the time to do it. We arrive on time to provide high quality cleaning services to our esteemed clients. We’ll make sure your attic will be free of insects, rodents and other pests, and that air quality will be improved not just in the attic but all throughout your house.

4. The Attic Specialist Observes the Following during Cleaning:

Professionalism. Your time is important, and we don’t want to waste it by making you wait. As such, our employees will arrive to your house on time and by the agreed hour. More importantly, we will have all the needed equipment to do the work required to minimize delay.

Attention to Detail. In all the years we do attic cleaning we always keep one thing in mind- to do the job as thoroughly as possible. We want our customers to be satisfied with our services that they refer us to their friends and family. No matter the kind of job or how big or small it is, we observe utmost workmanship every day.

Licensed and Insured. We offer exceptional cleaning services without worries. All our employees are bonded, licensed and insured so you can go on with your day and get peace of mind.
