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Mold Remediation – The Attic Specialist Inc
800-778-3765 | CSLB # 1050995 theatticspecialist@gmail.com

Dangers of Leaving Mold Spots Alone

Mold is not a beneficial organism in your home. Left alone, it can wreak havoc to you and your family’s health.

Prolonged mold exposure increases health risks, particularly respiratory infection and allergies. The elderly and young children are susceptible to the dangers of inhaling mold for lengthy periods of time, as it produces allergens and can trigger unwanted asthma attacks.

Mold shouldn’t have a place in your home. High levels can lead to infections, sinus congestion, irritation of the throat, nose and eye and allergic reactions, among other things. Furthermore, your property’s structure will be compromised and at risk as it can cause serious damage.

Mold quickly spreads when introduced into a structure. Without professional help, it will grow and spread and possibly cause permanent damage not just to the ceilings and walls but on your furniture, upholstery and belongings as well. Left unchecked, mold spores and colonies grow at an alarming rate and cause significant damage to your drywall and carpet.

At the first sign of mold in your house, it would be wise to call mold remediation experts at The Attic Specialist. The sooner we can get to work the better it is for your health and your property.

Mold Remediation Services in California

The Attic Specialist knows the value of acting quickly in order to remove mold. We care for the long term health of your home and your family. Our expertise extends to mold remediation services for homes and businesses in Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino and Orange County areas. Our workers are trained to handle mold and water damage and take care of it in the soonest and best possible way. Furthermore, we can restore damage caused by the organism so you and your family members can breathe in fresh air.

Comprehensive Consultation and Assessment From The Mold Removal Experts

Mold is a serious concern and deserves a thorough cleaning and treatment. Our company has invested in advanced equipment to find, contain and eliminate mold growth. Newer technology allows us to safely remove these harmful organisms and check the air levels to see if the environment is conducive for your health.

Our technicians are qualified and licensed to carry out moisture inspection, mold inspection and air quality testing. When you choose us to remove the presence of mold in your house we will arrive with full protective gear and have all the needed equipment on hand.

We see to it that our service benefits our customers. Every time you order a work from us we will provide our 100% effort in removing the presence of mold in your home or business. We use the right tools and equipment and always observe best and protective practices for your satisfaction.

Finding the Mold Source

Moisture is the catalyst of mold. Moisture can be activated in the following ways:

  • using a humidifier regularly
  • a leaking roof
  • constant sewer or sink overflow
  • using a clothes dryers’ exhaust vent indoors
  • sprinkler hitting a building
  • interior space flooding
  • cooking steam and shower
  • damp basement or crawl space

Enclosed spaces and sealed windows can also create moisture for mold growth. Homeowners and business establishment owners should know that mold can grow practically anywhere, even in an area where people can’t access or pass through. If this is the case then specialized mold detection equipment is needed.

The Attic Specialist has state of the art tools to check for mold in these hard to reach areas. Our hardworking technicians will be able to find the source, whether it be behind walls, ceiling, floor or insulating material in the garage, basement, laundry room, kitchen and more.

Mold is closely tied to areas that get constant moisture, so if your home has a section that gets wet then there’s a chance that there’s mold there.

After a thorough and comprehensive inspection our technicians will educate you on the source and how we intend to remove it. You can trust us to provide mold remediation and removal to restore indoor air quality and make your home or business habitable.

Our Mold Remediation Process

Our technicians will arrive on time and have all the gear needed to complete the job. We use the best antifungal and antimicrobial products to eliminate mold colonies and treat the contaminated surface so mold won’t grow there again.

At this point you may need to remove contaminated material or upholstery such as carpets and drywall to reverse heavy growth. Restoration can involve replacing your home paint, installing new carpet or replacing the drywall depending on the situation. It’s not unusual to carry out minor repairs or even a major one if the mold has significantly damaged a structure or room in the building.

Our services may include the following:

  • isolating the affected area and putting it in a negative air pressure to stop the spores from spreading
  • assessing the mold growth and its extent to adjacent areas or rooms
  • removing all mold growth and restoring or replacement of surfaces
  • creating a mold remediation plan to get rid of the infestation

No matter the case our primary focus is you and your family. Mold is toxic and we will do all we can to remove black mold in your home or business establishment.

See Mold In Your House? Call The Attic Specialist Today

At the first sign of mold you should call a professional mold remediation company. If you or your family members are experiencing allergies, asthma attacks and similar symptoms it’s best to have the experts check for mold growth in your home.

The Attic Specialist can carry out a comprehensive inspection and in-depth evaluation. We can point out where the source of mold is coming from. More importantly, we have the knowledge, tools and training to remove it completely so your living environment is mold-free.

We are the mold remediation company to call in Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange County and San Bernardino. Contact us for any questions or concerns today.